Thanks again for a really enjoyable and educational day. We will certainly be back to do it all again. What I would pass on to prospective customers is...just go for it. We can't imagine you being disappointed at all with the end result. Trust the process and Phil and Jane's experience and talent and go with the flow !!!!! " More reviews
Music Producer Course
In a similar way, the Music Production Course can take you in a variety of directions, ranging from a taster day where you find out what is possible, to a full of production development day for someone already familiar with software and production technique
During the Music Producer Course you work with our recording producer to build a track or tracks based on your own ideas. Your session will result in the production od a commercial quality CD.
You may already have a home studio and be well into this sort of thing or you may be a total novice. Depending on your requirements you will work with the latest version of Cubase, an array of instruments, the studio hardware of course, and the expert knowledge of someone who has been producing original music for thirty years, but still maintains a keen interest in all current genres.
The Music Production Course often includes elements of the Songwriter Day, and can be equally creative.
If you want to buy a Music Production Voucher, you can just buy an ordinary experience voucher. You can buy three hour, which is just a taster day, a four hour, five hour and ten hour voucher, although it's a good idea to air your project with our engineer before making a choice. The standard booking is five hours, in order to develop a good in depth understanding. If you require more hours at the end, these can be booked at £40 per hour by prior arrangement.
Click here for a precise description and to purchase a voucher
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